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Meta Technical Screening Round

Technical Screening Round


  1. Given a list of strings, create a function that returns true/false if a given string is an anagram.

    • Input: word_dict = ["rat","cat","xyz"]
    • Output:
      isAnagram("tar", word_dict) --> true isAnagram("pqr", word_dict) --> false
  2. Longest repeating substring in a given word. Link to problem

Candidate's Approach
  • For the first question, the candidate solved it with ease, ensuring to ask clarifying questions and writing the code correctly. Although they couldn't run the code due to it being a document, they were confident it would pass without errors and provided edge cases.

  • For the second question, the candidate presented a brute force algorithm and explained how they intended to optimize it. The interviewer asked questions regarding complexity and step-by-step execution, which took up time. The candidate reminded the interviewer about the time constraint and asked to write the code, but the interviewer was satisfied with the algorithm and explanation.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.